Track expandable ads

Hello, I need to be able to add expandable ads to a website that I made with webflow. It should be a 728 x 90 px that expands to 728 x 500 px on hover. I bet this expandable thing can be done in webflow alone, but the problem for me is how to track the clicks to the link. That’s why using webflow could not be the best option. I was wondering if someone here knows of a 3rd party application or program that allows me to create expandable ads while at the same time giving me the ability to track impressions, clicks and gives me analytics and/or performance of the ads.

Thanks guys!!

I don’t see why you wouldn’t be able to add some clicktag with custom code.

Also, you can add custom attributes to anything in Webflow.

I googled it quickly:


But if you still want an external solution, I’d say Adobe Edge Animate.

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Hi @aerismel, Webflow does not have widgets that let you create your own analytics tracking service. You would need to use some external service that gives you the snippet code for tracking your links, and then use Webflow to create the page and show/hide interactions. Webflow should work (in General) with plugins or services ( i.e. Google, Lunametrics etc) that are javascript/jQuery compatible. I hope this helps :slight_smile:

Webflow has built-in support for Google Classics analytics. Other analytics implementations need some scripting snippets to paste to the Header or Footer of your site using custom code :smile:

Cheers, Dave

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Thanks Vincent. I will check out that link you shared. I’m sorry for this question, but is there a tutorial that explains how CUSTOM ATTRIBUTES work and how I can use them for my question??


Custom attributes really only are… attributes. it only adds “vocabulary” to an element. The vocabulary is arbitrary defined, it’s not a predefined set of commands. As a designer, or Webflow designer, the only thing you can do with custom attributes is to add them. And they have no effect on the site if there is no specific development made by… a developper.

Custom attributes help a program (like an API) to locate elements in your design and, for example, populate them with text or other content. So, most likely, if one day you work on a site with a developer, to make some parts of the website dynamics, you will be asked by the developper to add custom attributes to a bunch of elements, as well as a call to an API (a ine in the header or in the body to call a javascript program.)


Ok, thanks for the explanation Vincent!