Transferring domain from Wordpress to Webflow

Hi guys. I previously built a site on with a custom domain (URL), and would like to transfer that custom domain (URL) to a site I’ve built in Webflow (and subsequently disable the old site). Does anyone have any experience with this? I can export the transfer code from Wordpress but I’m not sure where/how to use it in Webflow.

Transfer code? You have to rebuild the site from scratch as there is no import into Webflow.

Hey Samliew, I’m not talking about replicating the site - I have a site built in Webflow already. I’m talking about just taking the domain URL that is attached to my site in Wordpress and linking it to my Webflow site instead.

@mikgun take a look at Once you have followed those steps your domain will point to the Webflow hosted site. The old wordpress site you will need to delete or remove the files from your current host.

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