Trouble removing Inline styles

I can’t figure out a issue with a link block inside a navigation block. The link block’s height and width is set to 80px when I see it in preview mode… When I set the height with the editor it’s showing up right (200px) but then when I preview it, the logo becomes 80px and on inspecting the styles the anchor tag has inline styles height and width of 80px.

Check the logo’s anchor tag / link block, it is overriding my defined styles making it too small

Here is my site:

This is not a bug but a design/animation problem.

Before scroll:
The width is 80px on 80px

After scroll:
50px X 50px

Animations override CSS styles (Like width/opacity and so on - Otherwise “no way” to create animations).


One more problem in your code (Famous one :slight_smile: ) - you set the logo styles under current (Not in homepage the logo look difference).

Add read-only link to get more specific answer.

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