Unable to delete custom reference field that I accidentally duplicated under (e-commerce) 'categories'

Hi I accidentally created a custom reference field under the e-commerse ‘category’ section - titled ‘product’ - without realising it was already a mandatory field. This is causing me to have to input the field twice (as seen in screenshot) and there is no option to remove it in the category settings panel. Any suggestions?

Here is my public share link: https://preview.webflow.com/preview/tylers-stupendous-project-215a0f?utm_medium=preview_link&utm_source=designer&utm_content=tylers-stupendous-project-215a0f&preview=d61436cdd71dbec4e755af3945f7b2c4&pageId=5d5410a201f72ad0ed0059af&mode=preview