Unable to resize a background video


I’ve been trying to fix or force the size of a background video but I had no luck. The video is currently 680 x 756. I’ve tried with a container which size is 312 x 346 but the video keeps displaying its original size. I’ve also tried with vh but it just modifies the height and not the scale of the video. I’ve also tried not putting a container and manipulate the size of the video itself but it is also not working.

Thanks a lot por the patience and help!

Here is my public share link: https://preview.webflow.com/preview/yalo?preview=ce89bc4b1baa4fb397cd37ba9997de82
(how to access public share link)

I have the same issue and also the video ignores transparency.

Hi Filip! I couldn’t fix this issue, but what I did was adding the video inside a div with embedded code and gave the width and height there. It’s a little more complex but is doing the job. I hope it helps!

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