Unwanted Horizontal Scroll on Mobile

Here is my site Read-Only: Webflow - Johnson Luong Design

Live site: https://www.johnsonluong.design/main#home


I’m nearing the completion of my portfolio website homepage but can’t seem to find out why there’s a horizontal scroll on mobile devices. I’ve tried pinpointing the element making this happen but unfortunately with no luck.

If anybody can help me out and find the element causing this unwanted horizontal scroll, that’d be great. Thanks!!

Have you fixed this? I have had a look and see no side scroll.

No I haven’t. There’s still a horizontal scroll present whenever I change the size lower than a laptop. It’s also present when I view the live site on my phone.

Looks like it’s the images that animates beyond the boundaries when tilting the phone? Have you tried setting overflow:hidden on the containing divs?

Looks like that works! Thank you so much, Fonsume.

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