[URGENT] Fullpage.js not working for mobile

Hey, I implemented fullpage.js for one of my client’s website and it was working fine till today. The Mobile version is now kind of fucked up now for a reason I can’t seem to figure out. Any sort of help is really appreciated.

Here is my site link: Platform - Cyber-phyisical systems designed and built by iBot (View the mobile version)
Here is my site Read-Only: https://preview.webflow.com/preview/ibot?utm_medium=preview_link&utm_source=designer&utm_content=ibot&preview=5a961699e6777245b8d742c5d7e0e74b&pageId=5ff985991cf9a07ebadf80f3&mode=preview

@Alvaro_Trigo Hey buddy, do you have any idea what this had been caused by?

I don’t see any problem.
However if you think there’s any, you can open an issue with an isolated reproduction of it in the Github Issues forum

If you need me to check your page consider getting a Business license.

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Hey Alvaro, Can you please check the mobile version of the page. You’ll notice that once we scroll back up after scrolling down a couple sections. The layout of the site changes. It’s a weird bug. Is it because I might be using an older version? Also, will buy the license once we launch.