Verge3D integration

Hey all!

I need some help integrating JS scripts from Verge3D into my page. Everything works locally, but when I try to run it within Webflow it doesn’t work. My preliminary googling has shown that I need to host the JS and CSS files that were made within Verge3D.

Here is a zip file for my Verge3D project:

I think that the answer might be related to this post:

I know very little coding, but my impression is that Ozone’s answer might be the key, but I don’t know how to translate the information in that thread to my issue.

I’d be incredibly grateful for any help!

Here is my site Read-Only: LINK
(how to share your site Read-Only link)

Hey @shearjak,

Welcome to the Webflow forum!

First of all, it seems to me that the download file is a complete zip of your Webflow site? I just can’t necessarily help you with that. If you provide a read-only link, and the specific Verge3d files I can take a look. There is several different ways to integrate JS into Webflow projects but the best way depends on what you are trying to do.

Thank you, It seems like when I was packaging up the verge3D app into a zip file I accidentally deleted something important. I’ll fix it and share it tomorrow.

Here’s the read-only link to the web page, the V3D html page is embedded in an iframe element. The background and annotation buttons should work and there should be annotations on the brain model itself. see attached imgur link

Zip file containing the Verge3D project files.

Can you publish the site and provide a link to the live version?

Actually to be honest with you now I am not entirely sure what your request is. It is working for me even inside of the designer’s preview.

But there is no back and forth of information between the site and a remotely served embedded app.

For instance, if I make a form on my webflow hosted site, and embed a verge3D app on that page that is hosted elsewhere (either soft8soft servers or whatever) then any changes in the webflow form can’t be picked up by the embedded app. And any value that is calculated in the app can’t, for instance, update an element on the page. The embedded app (I think) has to be hosted on the same server as the page, but there isn’t a way to do that, or am I missing something?