Vote please: reference fields apply to both collections

I am struggling with webflow CMS reference field functionality.

In ecommerce collections you can change the products from categories and vice versa. This is the way it needs to be for all collections.

For example when I add an Author collection. If I reference Author to a book (product) in the author collection, I have to add the authors books from the author collection. It cant be done from products. Otherwise I need to create the reference from products to authors to then not see book products at an author level.

It is obviously really important to be able to edit an authors books. Why? Because you can not search for an author in the product collection as search applies to the name field only. So the logical place to manage books is from the author table.

The fact the functionality is now there for ecommerce products and categories makes it all the more frustrating and inconsistent.

Obviously in the above example I could use categories for Authors. But this means adding collection fields not needed by other product categories.