Want scroll interaction on just the home page

I added an interaction for the logo on my site so it only appears on scroll. However, I only want it to do this on the home page. I would like it to be constant in the top left on all other pages. The Div that triggers the appearance (Logo face) of the logo only appears on the home page.

If anybody can offer some advice it would be much appreciated.

Here is my public share link: https://preview.webflow.com/preview/brightspark1-86ef0454afc6154667a68f34dc?preview=25ef7d878eea2c7be62ed2dc9b0e0747

You need to unlink your navbar symbol on the other pages. Symbols will inherit styling from the original so your initial view for the logo is carrying over even though you don’t have a trigger div. You will then need to remove the interaction on the logo once the symbol is unlinked on the other pages.

Thanks very much for your reply. I’m still having difficulty however. I thought the cleanest way would be to delete the interaction altogether. This means I’m starting from a position with the logo in the top left. I then unlinked the navbar symbol on the home page and added the interaction again, applying it to the relevant div. When I test it the interaction works as before on the home page but the logo does not appear on the other pages even on scroll.

Somehow the initial view of ‘none’ seems to apply to the logo on all other pages. I’m not sure if it has anything to do with the fact the interaction uses ‘Affect different element’?

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