Webflow Alternatives? List them here

I’m looking into alternatives to Webflow. Any suggestions?

I’m a coder primarily, so I’m looking for something that bridges the coding/designer gap. Something like Webflow that a coder with a design sense can pickup and be happy with the result, and build on from there if necessary.

It should have a grid system, support typical breakpoints for responsive overrides, core components such as section/container/div and export clean code.

It doesn’t have to be web-based either. An installable app (OSX) is fine, too.

It’s been a while since I’ve done some digging into all of the options out there for these types of tools, so any and all suggestions would be appreciated.

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Hey @dkenzik

I did the same research on this and to be honest Webflow is the best comprimise for bridging the design/code gap. I don’t think there’s any “ideal” solution out there for everyone due to differing workflows, preferences over coding, Javascript Libraries, CSS preprocessors etc for developers. Whatever you choose for yourself will be somewhat of a comprimise.

For example, you have:

While is has more features than webflow (eg e-commerce, parallax), its far less intuitive than Webflow. I also found it quite slow on Chrome which is my preferred browser.

Plus the code exported is far from production ready. Heres one single list item from Webydo’s Number 1 spotlight site (Houmann Photography)

<li id='mainMenuElement0innerMenu138' class='innerMenu138_category image_wa' onmouseover='javascript:MenuOver(this, event, "ltr", "")' onmouseout='javascript:MenuOut(this, event, "")' data-childmenu='' onclick='javascript:menuLiClick(this,event,"javascript:void(0)","false")'> <A href='javascript:void(0)' onclick="scrollToElement('innerImage57',event)" title="1" class="category" >1</A></li>

That’s a complete mess in my opinion. All those MenOut, scrollToElement etc JQuery functions shouldn’t be inline…

Has direct html/css editing for all elements which is a bonus if you’re a developer but the UI and Workflow is a bit messy at present. Its trying to be everything to everyone (HTML site builder, Bootstrap/Foundation editor, Wordpress theme creator, etc etc) which seems like an awful lot of functionality for a very small development team to cope with in terms of bugs, updates etc.

I couldn’t give you the pros or cons for Macaw to be honest - on the basis that they don’t even have a spotlight gallery of projects created using Macaw I didn’t investigate any further at the time.

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There’s nothing like Webflow, but thegrid.io promises to keep you out of business :smiley:

This seems interesting, but haven’t had a chance to play around with it yet.

i checked them out but their interface looks confusing to me, maybe i don’t just want any other than webflow :slight_smile: but their $10 per month is tempting, but its quite slow on chrome. I have not checked out the total features as they seem quite vague and did not reveal much like webflow does when they list their pricing.

Just that Webflow needs to get their CMS running, as trydevkit are using that advantage to outcompare them on their comparison page.

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