Webflow Mobile Design and actual Mobile design differ


i’m fine tuning the mobile version of my site.
i’ve tested it on mobile and with Chrome (with the mobile simulation)
and the design actually differ from what i see in webflow.

For example the footer should be 4 columns, 2 by 2 on top of each other,
but for some reason it does not.

I can’t find the reason why. any clues?

P.S. : I’ve removed the loader for the moment, it can take some time with slow connections.

Public link
Online version

When addressing the mobile portrait breakpoint, you have to make sure it behave like you’ve designed it for the various screen sizes of the existing smartphones. You may not have realized you can do that by dragging the handle on the right side of the viewport. Webflow Designer even tells you what width are the most popular and for what devices.

Watch here:


Dear Vincent,

Did that already, tried yesterday for more than one hour to overcome that problem.
While i tried to set the table look properly for mobile version it wouldn’t correctly show while testing live.
Now for some strange reasons, it exactly displays the design as it should.

It’s a great mystery…

Nevertheless, Thanx for the quick reply and the video, i appreciate!

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