Webflow Workshop - What web designers can learn from graphic designers

Join us Tuesday, November 1st at 10am (pacific) for the next Webflow Workshop

When I first started building websites, I knew that I wanted to create something fun, interactive and beautiful. But as time went on, I started to realize that my designs were never “good enough.” They never looked as good as what I would see in my head.

It wasn’t until I met my wife, a traditionally trained graphic designer, that I fully understood what was missing in my skill set. Skills like typography, layout, color theory, and imagery.

In this workshop, I’ll quickly go over these basic skills and how learning more about them can make you a better web designer.


This topic is now a banner. It will appear at the top of every page until it is dismissed by the user.

Here are my notes from today’s workshop

When you put something on a page, always ask “why”

Can I trust this website?
Same thing as walking into an unknown brand store. Give you credit card?


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