Website not loading on tablet (iPad)

I have an issue with my website on a tablet. I use an iPad with Safari (also tried with chrome, same problem) when I enter the website, the loading interrupts and loads again with a notification that the website is being reloaded because of a problem, after about three times trying to load it gives an error message like “on website XYZ a problem occured repeatedly”

Anyone experienced this and/or knows how to address the issue?

Thank you :slight_smile:

Here is my site Read-Only: LINK
(how to share your site Read-Only link)

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Hey @fspiess

Not sure about the problem. Here’s some info >

Piter :webflow_heart:

Thank you for your help!

The weird thing is, that for all my other webflow pages I did everything works fine, so it has to do something with the page itself.

Hi, @fspiess!

Thanks for posting this issue, as it definitely sounds like odd behavior.

I was able to take a look at your project, and noticed a bit of custom code on your Home page:

Would you be able to test removing these two areas of custom code, republish, and note if the issue persists?

Thanks in advance! :bowing_man:

Thank you for your help!

Don’t know why but now it works on my iPad… It’s an old one as well maybe thats the reason why.


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