Website Re-sizing Issue

Hey All,

I am having a difficult time getting my website to re-size correctly on different computers operating different browsers. On my ASUS, the website looks flawless… however, the header logo, shifts to the left when using the built-in IE9 of Windows 8. My partner’s laptop, using Chrome, has major layout issues and sizing issues.

Any suggestions? Comments?

Here is my site. Let me know what you all see.

Thanks a million!


When looking at in both opera and firefox it has some issues, namely the menu and the slider seem to be the biggest. the header image is good e, always centered. You may want to make your slider text smaller at lower resolutions and possibly use smaller versions of your images at tablet and mobile sizes cause they are getting squished instead of looking “repsonsive”. On mobile you may take out the slider all together and put a two column Room and Rates and Location with smaller images. Also I noticed that all the slide titles show on mobile except the “Hidden Treasure” slide… On the other pages I also noticed the scaling image problem where you have a huge image limited by its container and then as you get smaller it is squished within that container. I apologize if it feels I’m telling you how to design your site, I’m merely offering suggestions based solely on viewing it. Chrome always seems to have some issue and I think webflow still has some quirks as do all new things IE will always have issues and firefox is what I’ve been mostly viewing it in so I’m going to say that it is still webflow’s code. Your site as whole looks good. Sorry I can’t give you a “clear cut solution”.

Thanks cromag. All great feedback… room for improvement!
