What are the best sources to learn about Adwords?

Rather than a Google search for this question and being bombarded with all sorts of pitches, I was wondering if anyone in the Webflow community has learnt about Google Adwords from a particular source?

• Did you pay for a course?
• Are there articles I could read to learn that you would recommend?

I’m quite good with Facebook marketing, and I know Adwords is a different marketing strategy altogether but it seems a whole new world to me, and I should up my game a bit really!

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From my (limited) experience, spyfu.com is great for researching actual SEO strategy with adwords. Research your competition, find what keywords they are advertising for and how they perform, and when they use ads. I have never paid for Spyfu and I’m a new user to it, but it is a place to start for sure! :grimacing:

I’m in the same boat though, interested in what other have to say.

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By using google search we can learn only learn few things.
We have to take course about it to gain more knowledge on it.