Whitelabel clarification

The code contains several references to WebFlow… so it’s not “totally white-label”.

Everyone who develops a white-label product… that I’ve spoke to… basically always say
“you can only white-label it so far”… “if someone is determined or experience enough…
they can find out where the code came from”.

I develop a white-label Internet Dating Website / Product… so I know the importance of white-labeling.

My product pushes white-labeling much further. There is obviously some code similarities between the installations - (and that’s how you would know it was white-labeled)… but there is absolutely no way to track it back to me.

I developed the product… knowing that the purchasers wanted “me, out of the picture”.

My customer provides the client support. If their client has an issue they cannot resolve / answer… my customer contacts me. Their client never knows about me.

“I’m the man behind the mirror.”

We also own a white-label Microsoft Exchange Hosted Mail Service. Totally white-labelled. Your client will never figure out you are reselling except 1 way… “and I ain’t gonna tell you the way”.

As for WebFlow code…

Some can be removed… others edited / renamed.

Here’s an example:

change - [html data-wf-site=“nnn” data-wf-page=“nnn”>
remove - [!-- This site was created in Webflow. http://www.webflow.com–>
rename - [link rel=“stylesheet” type=“text/css” href=“css/webflow.css”>
remove - [meta name=“generator” content=“Webflow”>
rename - [script type=“text/javascript” src=“js/webflow.js”>

There are also subtle references in naming… ie: classes… w-button, w-input.

Open any WebFlow site… and line 2 will have

data-wf-page… specifically referring to “wf”… but that line can be removed. However, there are “w-” and “wf” references throughout the code.

If you know the subtle things… “an experienced person” can scan / review the code
and figure out where it came from… no matter how much “you hide it”. Most cannot… even at the developer level.

And then there are references to cloudflare and cloudfront… which is Amazon AWS… I use them for other products… not so concerned about Amazon.

Biggest issue I have… is what you cannot change:

for example… in webflow.css (even if you rename it)… there is reference to WebFlow fonts

(EDIT: this might be changeable… but I haven’t researched it)

$font-face {
font-family: ‘webflow-icons’;

As for forms… if you self host - the email response will obviously come from your server - so no issue there.