Central Navbar fixed on scroll interaction


I would like to create a navbar in the middle of the page that sticks to the top as I scroll down the page (example: http://www.blastprocessor.co.uk/). Could you help me with this please?

Many thanks

Here is my public share link: LINK
(how to access public share link)

Hi @fab_man, thanks for your post, could you help to share the read-only link to the site design ? That will help a lot: Share a read-only link | Webflow University

Here is an example in Webflow, how to create a Sticky Navigation: https://webflow.com/website/Demo-Kit

Open the demo site in Webflow and go to the “Sticky Navigation” page.

Thanks in advance!

hi @cyberdave here you go the shared link https://preview.webflow.com/preview/hardware-academy-landing?preview=9ad15c7e857707faccf470325e28dcd1 The page I am talking about is the “NEW EVENT TEMPLATE”. If you notice there is a sort of menu in the middle of the page I created with Div block and buttons. I would like to stick that bar on top when the top of the screen touches it.

Thanks for your help!

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