Password protection for individual pages and folders

I would like to create mini sites for clients whose prospects, after submitting a form on a landing page, are given access to a password-protected page.

+1 - this feature is essential to the effectiveness of our sales / client engagement process.
We require secure pages where clients can access their reports and other client specific documentation.


I to Would love this feature, I often have clients needing password walls, such as stated above, everytime I have a client ask this I cannot built it on webflow, in away you guys are missing out on heaps of clients by not having this feature.

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Yes please add this feature :slight_smile:

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One use case for this with portfolio sites:

Some clients have given us permission to demo their apps but they don’t want the screenshots to be public. Currently we have to use dropbox for this, which is really not set up for demo-ing. Instead we could just add password protection to these portfolio pages, while allowing it to still be part of the same Ui as the rest of the site.

Sure we could duplicate the entire site but because we want to use custom domains, that means paying for 2 custom domains.

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+1 for this feature!

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I have a nonprofit prospect who wants a password protected page on their site. They want to store certain documents for their board members that they don’t want to have out in the public (perhaps board minutes and other important stuff). It doesn’t even need a username. Just a password that unlocks the content on that page. Does anyone have any good workarounds?

Pages that host forms we only want certain people to access like staff or specific clients could be useful with individually password protected pages.

Hi @brryant

Hope you are well.

The main reason for my request for password protected pages is that I have wedding photography websites on another platform which I am desperate to bring to Webflow.

So for instance, after a wedding has been photographed all the pictures of the day will go on the website for the bride, groom and family to see. But these photographs need to on a secure page so no one else can see them.

I strongly believe that if you implemented this feature designers like myself would be adding a lot more sites to Webflow.

Thanks for all the feedback everyone. We’re actively working on this feature and will be starting beta testing next month. Stay tuned!


Thats great news. Are you working on a simple one like password protecting pages and folders or a full fledged member login system? Either way it will be a useful feature.

Hi @brryant - that’s fab news!

Have you seen my original post here:

Would the new password feature be able to handle this?

Would be great to know whether I should tell my client to wait a bit or push ahead with the Sentry login?


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Hi @brryant – the inability to password protect page (of folder of pages) has become something that is preventing me from being able to recommend using webflow for a potential client.

Their use case: my client has some CMS generated content they would only like certain people to see - ideally this would be via user registration process – but I realise this is something much more difficult to achieve with webflow in the short to medium future – however, I think I could work with the simpler ability to password protect certain pages as you suggest is in the works.

Please consider adding me to any beta test and I’d be happy to give it a through real-world test and report back with any problems encountered.


I really need this feature in my site very soon so that is great news!
Will its features be just like sentry login, or will it be more limited?

See this thread:

Page password protection is on our short term roadmap so that might work
as a workaround. Member login system is much more complex to do
correctly/securely so it won’t be coming anytime soon.

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Is password protection on your subdomain and specific domains a thing coming on the short term roadmap as well?

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+1 would really like to have the ability to password protect individual pages.

For my animation portfolio page there are a few projects that I would like to show to specific potential clients or employers, however I would not want the work to be available to the public.

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When we release it, per-page password protection will work if you have a hosting subscription set up


What? Is IT live? …

Is this actually working? How do we implement, not seeing it anywhere?