Eliminate render-blocking resources - Page Speed Mobile

This is a problem :frowning:


Hello Webflow team,
I think the problem is quite serious, it would be nice if you could give the community a reference on what you are doing to solve the problem, if you are doing it.

It is important for many who are paying attention to SEO aspects to have a clear direction on what to expect from you.
This problem has persisted for years and there are thousands of reports made about this serious problem.

I hope you can understand that many users, like me, have been seriously considering migrating elsewhere for some time because of this problem, and that the only thing that is not driving us to do so is the frustration of having to redo the whole project elsewhere.

Please, give us an answer on this.
Thank you


I agree with everyone’s opinion here. Mobile experience nowadays have a huge impact in the website, and we don’t have much control of how to improve it.

A clear picture of this is one of our websites, this is a snapshot of the mobile version:

And this is the desktop version of the same page:

Basically we get 10x more impressions from the desktop version that we do in the mobile, where if we could improve the mobile page it would allow us to be ranked way better and improve our $$$.


@jfiche I was able to get my mobile CWV’s to “needs improvement” rather than “failing” using a reverse proxy & edge cache.

It doesn’t directly optimize the CSS/JS or improve render blocking, but images are WEBP-optimized and everything delivers much faster.

Not a perfect solution, but it’s a substantial improvement.

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Bumping this thread — I’m hoping some progress is being made on this in 2024…

It’s frustrating when I work hard to get 95-100 for accessibility, best practices, and SEO but there’s nothing I can do to improve performance :smiling_face_with_tear:

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My site is spending almost 2 seconds with Google CDN. Can Webflow do something about this please?

@Richard_George - By default there should be no Google CDN use on a project. If you are talking about fonts then localize them. If you are talking about analytics then that’s a choice that Webflow would have no control over.

Yet another bump for this thread. I’m surprised to see how long this has been an issue for with no resolution in sight…

I was able to work around this by setting up CloudFlare Workers and injecting the minified CSS into the HTML response. Not optimal or clean but it worked.

Hi Daniel, I’m working on the same issue for several days now. Any chance you could share the steps you took to get this working along with the pros and cons?

It’s not a trivial thing to do and you need technical background to perform it.

  1. Set up a Cloud Flare account and set up it’s CDN to serve your web page.
  2. Set up a CloudFlare KV to store the whole minified CSS/Javascript of your web page.
  3. Set up a CloudFlare Worker to intercept the generated HTML being returned to the clients.
    The worker implementation should:
  • Remove the link tag that instructs the page to load the CSS/Javascript from the Webflow servers (these are the annoying aforementioned blocking resources).
  • Inject the CSS/Javascript that is stored on the KV store into your webpage as inline script/css

The cons of this are that you need to manually update the KV store values everytime you publish a new version of your webpage, so if you are constantly making changes to it it will introduce a lot of operational overhead. Also if the CSS or Javascript you are injecting is very large, the Speed Insights tool will complain about this, but you will definitely see an improvement on loading times

We ended up moving the site to Wordpress, I find it very unusual that it’s 2024 and the Webflow team has not provided any tools to optimize CSS/Javascript loading

Thank you so much for your detailed response @daniel_amezcua!

I really appreciate your suggestions. However, I’m a bit concerned about the practicality of implementing them in a production environment, particularly because manually updating Cloudflare with every Webflow site upgrade seems quite daunting. Unfortunately, this isn’t feasible for us.

It’s disappointing that in 2024, the Webflow team still hasn’t addressed this issue. If a solution isn’t found soon, I may be forced to consider leaving this platform, as it’s becoming increasingly difficult to meet my clients’ needs.

Once again, thank you for your assistance!