Feedback: Scheduled publishing for collection items is now in beta

I’ve never been able to get this working… I had another go today and it failed.

The option is there for me, I click to schedule something and every single time I get the same error saying Scheduled Publishing failed. The items are in draft initially, and then move to a Staged for Publish state which indeed does publish them at the next publishing action. I just can’t see what I could be doing wrong.

Any ideas anyone? @QA_Brandon?

I also spotted the spelling mistake I raised in May is still present…


Can you please do a screen recording of the issue so I can further investigate?

You can use Loom or CloudApp to do this.

I’ll be standing by for your response.

Happy Designing,
~ Brandon

P.S. as for the misspelling, can you provide a screenshot where you are seeing this?

Here’s the spelling issue…

2020-10-26 (2)

I shall report back when I figured out one of those two…

@QA_Brandon thanks for introducing me to Loom… quite a useful tool :slight_smile:

@QA_Brandon - any update on what I may be doing wrong here?


Hi @iratefox,

I have reviewed Sched. Pub. and I cannot find why you are having such issues. Can you create a video of your process and send to me. Also do me a favor and send me an updated share link for the project?
