Adding uploaded font doesn't work at the moment

Custom fonts are definitely not loading for certain users who try to access my webflow URLs. Please keep us updated about this bug.

Thanks for the quick fix @brryant

I can’t export my code. Tried three times at 8:15 EST. Gets stuck on “preparing fonts” and I have exported 100+ times in the past week without issue. (which by the way is a huge hassle since I can’t FTP to my own server directly)

@cyberdave @brryant

Hi Guys! I’m almost sure its not because of the uploaded fonts themselves, but the upload system;

when I try to import my design code images and fonts, it gets stuck at the preparing fonts status…(animated bar), so…it may be related to the transfer system, I included a screenshot…also noticed a slowdown in the new image upload dialogs since the middle of this afternoon…dunno if it helps, here it is, cheers!

AND…oh…PS: how do we HARD refresh the designer (im on MAC OS mavericks Chrome or Canary)…rebooted everything browser, computer, and yes the publishing ( is working, but not the design export.

Sure - how exactly. Close browser? Log out? Reboot computer? etc

I logged out. Closed browser. Re-logged in. Same issue.

To hard refresh, do CMD+SHIFT+R while in the Webflow designer. Or press on the refresh button while holding shift. Let us know if that fixes the issue!

I believe something may be up with the upload system, as I’m currently unable to upload images. I’ve tried refreshing, logging in and out and other browsers, but its still stuck at “Uploading…” Dropbox - Error

In windows I did CTRL + SHIFT + R and it did reload. Did not help. Still stuck at “Preparing fonts…” Same as @Remi_Jobin described above.

cannot switch assets in a switch image dialog.
Not related to the topic but would surely say that the bugs appeared in the same times.

I tried unpublishing/repubishing and I’m still unable to upload images. Apologies if this issue doesn’t belong in this thread, I figured the issues might be related?

I don’t normally publish my sites using the publish feature - so I published. No apparent impact. Same issue. I was able to upload a new font without issue. This did not change the ability to export.

I will check back in the AM as I have lost the development window I had this evening (again, because you won’t let us FTP - sorry, could not help myself).

(also socializing and helping via email with your team mate Will @ Webflow

I just exported and downloaded the zip from another one of my sites I am building, it works, i got the zip, extracted it and checked the design in browser, all is good.

But the bug still affects the other site I was working on today, itself or a duplicate, it will always stick to the preparing fonts status. I will try re-upping the custom woff set with different names like suggested, and hit you back in a few.

If a font was uploaded during the window where the bug existed, it may need to be removed and re-uploaded now that the fix is in place. Can you try removing custom fonts from the affected site and then export and see if it works with no fonts, then add a font back and see if it returns?

Thanks! and sorry for the inconvenience.

Hi i am currently on tryouts for that debugg, I removed all custom fonts from a duplicate of my site, did copies of my custom fonts with different nomenclature for each of the 4 file types, woff, eot, ttf, otf, but the upload gets stuck (the 3 animated dots)

and whatever I put the 4 files in 4 separate uploads, 4 at the time in one upload, the list displays 4 times the same kind of file (4 times a woff while it’s 4 different extensions in this case)

So hum if you try removing the fonts for now, for the testers among you, do it on a duplicate please!

11:14 PM (6 minutes ago)

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Flushed my custom fonts, found a perfect equivalent (Trajan (custom) > CInzel (google) )

it was available among the webfonts available via the font dashboard…and it is the only alternative I found for now

  • it seems hella lighter, just give me time to test but I confirm it is positive, its been since april 5th i worked with these fonts embedded, and I had no problem, but hey,its a workaround for now, no?? (and yeah these optimized fonts must be lighter in kb than the other custom I uploaded, woff and stuff.

Keep us updated! In the meanwhile good luck will check any other options out …so remove all custom fonts if you find a perfect webfont equivalent in the list at the top of the font dashboard.


Guys cant export my code also , stuck on preparing fonts :confused:

When i removed the font , the website did export, but i neeed this font what to do ?

Still the same problem. even on older websites.

So a full day since this issue was reported and it seems to being handled as if this is our issue to fix. I normally am not one of the complainers in a forum but this is a service we pay for (unlike a lot of things people complain about) and you continually promote the benefits of this service being web-based.

For the record:

  1. I deleted All fonts, download works
  2. I tried to upload original file it did not work
  3. I renamed the original file and it did upload (by the way, this is not a fix. I have custom fonts and I don’t want to have to rename the generated files)
  4. With the now renamed font uploaded and no other fonts selected, the download fails at “preparing fonts”
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