Adding uploaded font doesn't work at the moment

100 % im not that one of the complainers too , but im paying and its expensive, at least get our issues fixed!! exporting websites is one of the most important features, its 2 days now and no answer neither help from webflow support abt this exporting issue.

Hi everyone, we believe the custom fonts issue has been resolved. Please try the following:

  1. Open the designer, check to see if there are any errors in the Javascript console. If there no errors, great - try exporting your site.
  2. If there are errors about Access Control, go to site font settings
  3. Delete the font
  4. Rename the font file to something different
  5. Reupload the font
  6. Open the designer, choose the new font
  7. Export your site.

If you have any other issues, please email with a preview link of your site.

Thanks, and we apologize for the inconvenience!

Cant Export My website. Stuck on preparing fonts !! need it urgently can someone help ?

I have this problem too. Wrote on

Export isn’t working for me for about 20 hours. Really need to export 5-6 websites right now.

yea reported that also. but still no reply and i need it urgently.

@Wadih_Hajj, we just pushed a fix, please try the steps I listed above

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This latest update does appear to have resolved the issue for my site.

I’m not having any success with @cyberdave’s workaround for exporting my site. Is the only fix right now the delete/rename/re-upload/reconnect all the fonts that @brryant suggested? Any chance for a fix that doesn’t include me having to reapply all of those fonts, or is this the way I need to resolve this issue?

Thanks guys!

Hi @Chris_Scott - can you try following these steps here to fix your custom fonts? Thanks and sorry about this long thread, it’s a bit hectic in here :smile:

Where would I see these “red errors”? Not seeing any, but still getting stuck on “Preparing fonts”.

@brryant actually i can export the website now, but the exported website doesnt contain fonts folder. so i think its another bug here. all the steps worked out fine, but still the most important thing taht the exported website doesnt include fonts folder.

Okay tried the following

1-Delete the custom font
2-publish the website
3-Re-upload your font
4-Publish and export

It worked :smile:

Hi @Wadih_Hajj, thanks for your update. Was the fonts folder ok in the latest export you generated? Cheers, Dave

yep but there’s another issue now , images doesnt show , instead their name shows when extracting :confused: @cyberdave

Still some funkiness going on with custom fonts. Going through the delete/rename/reupload process and I have to hard refresh between each uploaded custom font (I have multiple font weights of the same font), otherwise, I can’t upload the font. Can’t select a group of fonts to upload all at once, either. Have to do them one by one and have to hard refresh between each one.

Same as others. Tried the delete, rename, reupload & export and it’s not working! Also in the same boat as others, like Chris above me: Have to hard refresh to add each font. I’ll add a TTF, for example, and it will show up as OTF. Please assist! Promised my clients I’d have something by 5 (EST)!

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