Hide dropdown menu in mobile view

How can i hide the dropdown menu in te mobile view?

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Hello @svenvanzijl

Can you share your read-only link?

Piter :webflow_heart:

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Here you go


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Hey man,

Link seems broken, 404 issue.

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Yeaa, the link goes to 404

@PeterDimitrov @Thomas_92

Sorry my account was set temporarily on hold I notice that I removed one number of the link that made the link not work correctly.

Also sorry for the late reply on the link not working just notice that my account was set of hold.

Here is the read-only link : https://preview.webflow.com/preview/team-rapid?utm_source=team-rapid&preview=77a889b4c8dc8681e8012814801bfde9

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So you want to hide MORE for mobile?


I would like to make it so you see (click me) on mobile view en you see (click me) on pc view

So basically, I want to hide the dropdown menu on mobile view and add new link elements to the navbar and hide the new link elements on pc view that have been added to the navbar.

I hope you understand what I mean my English is not very good when it comes to typing thats why I have included screenshots for you.

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