Tab change trigger animation

Hi, I’m trying to use the trigger tab change animation on tab that already has mouse hover animation.
My tab links has both, text and a Div with two icons (one blue, and one orange), the texts are animated with simple states interactions, they change color from blue to orange on hover, then when the tab link is active text is also orange, when its inactive is blue. But this does not affect to the icons into the div, so I tried to use triggers. I begun with mouse hover, whenever mouse is on tab link orange icon is shown, and blue icon is hidden, when mouse is not over tab link orange icon is hidden, and blue icon is shown. Then I also tried to use tab change trigger in this way; when tab link is active orange icon is shown and blue icon hidden, when is inactive orange icon is hidden and blue icon is shown. Almost everything is working well, but blue icon when tab link is active. When tab link is active an mouse is over it, everything is orange, but when mouse is not over it, orange icon is hidden and blue icon is shown, and blue icon should stay hidden, and intead it orange one should stay shown. May somebody help me?

It seems like you’re working on an interactive tab navigation with hover animations and state changes. However, you’re facing an issue where the blue icon remains visible when the tab link is active, instead of the desired behavior of the orange icon staying visible.

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Yes, that’s exactly whats happening, do you have any idea about how could I solve this situation?