[TUTORIAL] Full Multi Language Site - Easy to set-up and to use!

yes @evolution you need a paid subscription or site plan to use the custom code functionality.

This doesn’t seem solved, is it? Because I opened multiple websites posted here that use this method and I also see the tags when first loading the page. Only after selecting one it removes them. I am Dutch so different from the languages at those websites I opened.

thanks for the script. I tested it out. In my case, it works in this way.

  • I set up with and without CMS.
  • When I set up without CMS I set a text block and the text block class to .english to .german. It works properly with this setup as well.
  • when I use without classes and I use [[en]] or [[de]] on the text block before the text it does not work.

It might help!

Hi. We have been using the script for a few years now and it works wonderfully. Today, an employee with a cell phone from Ukraine alerted us that the page is not displayed correctly. From the screenshots we can see that it affects only the parts of the script. I.e. the translations are not displayed. The parts remain empty. Other countries work. Does anyone have an idea what this could be?
What we have already tested:
Java Scirpt enabled: Yes
Current browsers: Yes

Maybe someone has an idea. We are at a bit of a loss. Thank you

In case anyone is curious about setting up English-Arabic / English-Hebrew websites - we created a system called RTLflow for structured and scalable RTL Webflow Development. You can check it out here:

Hey guys thanks for the great code!

I have a question did anyone of you consider how can we choose the version of image for different languages? For example, for English version there will be image A in hero section, and for the Spain there will be auto displayed image B. Can I use an attribute maybe somehow?

Best regards,
Kamil Kuklewski

Hey Kamil, you can do that very easily with linguana.io

Cheers, Davor

EDIT (Post-Localization Update) 25.03.2024:

Webflow has launched its native Localization feature, which I recommend now!

Yep, this thread has gotten long, and I have not updated this lib for some years, but it supports both the inline text tagging like [[en]]Hi[[es]]Hola, and element tagging through custom attributes.

That makes it easy to swap out images, video, and rich text elements, even if they’re CMS bound.

Let me add though that this kind of solution is only suitable for low-budget sites that have limited localized content. Anything professional, you’ll want to use a solution like Linguana or Webflow’s upcoming localization features.