Your browser is too small


After about 2 hours i come back to web flow and get this message

“Your browser is too small. Resize your window to fit this media query”. I used Webflow about 2 hours ago. Not made any changes. My resolution is set at “1280”. And my browser zoom is “100%”.

I am using chrome. Looks like another scroll bar has appeared.

Hi @Beez Try making your browser window bigger. Also make sure your browser zoom is set to 100%.

Hope this helps :slight_smile:

Hi @PixelGeek,

It does not work. My browse zoom is set to 100%. I have not changed anything since i last used Webflow a few hours ago.

There seems to be another scroll bar next to the designer scroll bar. I don’t know how it got there. I think that’s whats causing it.


thanks for that confirmation. Can you tell me which browser, its version and OS you’re using?

Vista, Chrome Version 49.0.2623.112 m.

it seems like you have a custom scroll bar. can you send me your read-only link?

I can confirm I have the same issue. Browser zoom is set to 100%. I use Webflow daily and never have an issue. All of a sudden the last hour or so in chrome, safari and firefox browsers at normal resolution full size windows I get this error.

OS X 10.11.4 Chrome 53.0.2785.116

@Beez and @andyjames we are pushing out a fix to resolve this issue right now. Should be up and running within the next few minutes.

Could you please refresh your site in the Webflow Designer to see if everything is cleared up on your end now?

Thanks in advance for your confirmation!

Yay! It works.

Thanks @PixelGeek, @Waldo

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See the attached image. On the left of my Webflow canvas there is a small gap that never disappears.

I am not sure if this is related but it started at the same time this bug popped up and after the fix the UI worked again but this strange gap remained. You can actually see it on my previous screenshot as well.

Google chrome on os x.

@andyjames I have the same issue. Google Chrome on Windows.

Just logged into Webflow from Safari and Firefox and its the same.

Hi @andyjames / @Aaron! While that gap appears to be a bug, it is the result of some recent changes to how we resize the site “canvas” and it matches the scrollbar’s size on the right. If it’s driving you crazy, disabling scrollbars in the OS settings will make it go away. That said, if it looks like a bug, we should address it. :slight_smile: There’s an open issue to fix it. Thanks for letting us know!

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